The world has changed. The last two years have altered the way we live, how we see things and interact with those around us. With this change has come a new way of thinking, one focussed not on what we cannot control, but what we can.
It’s these changes that inspired David Djite and Fabian F. Fuchs to develop their new project: Eudemonia. A new film showcasing a different side of snowboarding, one with foundations in the power of positive psychology and the drive to experience the often chased ‘flow state’.

Positive psychology is the study of „positive subjective experience, positive individual traits, and positive institutions promises to improve quality of life“. Positive psychology focuses on both individual and societal well-being.
EUDEMONIA – a successful lifestyle based on ethical principles that leads to a balanced state of mind. … [the] reflection about what holds the greatest value in life.

Directors Statement:
For Artist and Director, Fabian F. Fuchs (FFF), it was an opportunity not only to tell a new story, but to find a way to visually bring to life something that’s intangible, untouchable and intrinsically personal. It was this aspect that sparked his interest, moving the film into a space outside of the standard snowboarding films.
“This journey of David Djité is set as an example that we can reach a very empowering state of mind through our own actions. It takes time and effort but already the first steps are rewarding and motivating to keep on going. Going towards a more healthy and balanced life as an individual and as a community”
Fabian F. Fuchs

About David:
David’s journey in snowboarding began when he was introduced to the sport at just 3 years old, quickly swapping his skis for the allure of snowboarding – and he never looked back. Yet where others chased competition or new lines, for David it was the style of the sport, the fluidity of the movement and the freedom of expression that kept him glued to the mountains.
Away from the snow, David’s life extends in a different direction – psychology. His university studies focus not only on the prescriptive aspect of the field, but on the power of positive psychology.
“With this project I wanted to show that despite so much isolation, fear and other problems, we can still do something for our inner flow. I wanted to motivate and inspire people to explore different sides to themselves and view the world from a new perspective, the way I do through snowboarding. Hopefully my own experiences as a snowboarder and as a student of psychology can enable this!”
David Djité

Cinematographer Elmar Bossard Interview:
I first met Elmi when we were shooting for Planetaria in Laax. I knew I’d love to work again with him right then. And for Eudemonia we could finally make this happen. Also due to that David and Elmi live in the same country we could avoid the filmer and rider being separated by covid-border regulations. Which turned out to be a good call. As the season went on the virus didn’t go away and I actually was directing the film most of the time over video calls. Let’s have chat with him and learn about his experiences in the process of filming for EUDEMONIA.
Questions: FFF
Elmi did you film a lot together with David prior to that project or did you have to find a common language and rhythm?I knew David for years, and I’ve filmed together with him on Laax projects like ‚Planetaria‘ prior to that project. Since we had some very unique challenges with EUDEMONIA we definitely needed some time to work out our mutual flow, especially with the follow cams!

David Djité
Is there a shooting-day or memory from filming for EUDEMONIA that stands out to you?
The overall process itself was the exciting thing to me, we started with nothing and tried to collect shots on a daily basis. But many days it turned out that the footage we got only worked as a reference to film a better version the following day. For example the hectic green part with the tree lines, we filmed this part three times. Every time we tried the snow conditions improved and it turned out that we needed the experience and learnings from the first two tries to end where we are now.
Was there something new or different from your usual shooting practice?
I’m used to shot follow cams and exactly that was the plan all along from the start. But it was Fabi’s vision to have David snowboarding towards the cam. Meaning that I am snowboarding ahead and film the other direction. Especially with the powder shots we had to work on our timing and I had to make sure not to spray David or the cam. Those are things that don’t have to deal with in park shootings really.
And another thing that stands out is that Fabi as a director couldn’t be on location due to the regulations. So every evening we send him the dailies to get feedback and input for the next days. This process was hard at times since he didn’t have the emotional connection to some shots that we might have hiked a whole day for. And with this distance Fabi could judge the results neutrally and just delete a hard earned one from the timeline.
Thank you Elmi for your insights here and for the great footage you contributed to the project.
Photography Dominic Zimmermann – ‚EUDEMONIA‘ Exhibition at Riders Hotel, Laax

GQ Magazine – David Djité Interview
Rider – David Djité
Director – Fabian F. Fuchs
Cinematography – Elmar Bossard
Photography – Dominic Zimmermann
Music – Miles Singleton
Color Grading – Markus Wetterberg
Graphic Design – Samuel Weidmann
Sound Mastering – Lixbeats
Shot on location in Laax, Switzerland
Produced in partnership with:
The North Face, K2 Snowboarding, Doodah